Lunch Arrangements

  • School dinner is available at the cost of £2.60 per day.
  • Dinner money should be paid using Arbor.
  • Please view the Edwards and Blake website for more information on our providers.
  • Please view the School Food Plan website for more information on School Food Standards.
  • If your child has any allergens then please speak to the school office for further information on applying for a Medical Diet Menu.

Free meals are available to those children who are eligible.

If you think you are eligible details can be requested at the school office. It is important that you apply even if you do not intend for your children to have school meals, as it will help increase our school funding.


All parents (Reception to Year 6) in receipt of the following should complete the forms available from the school office if you get one or more of the following:

If you're unsure whether you qualify, there is advice available from the County Council.

Who has to pay for school meals?

All children in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 are entitled to receive a free school meal every day. It is a government incentive and is being paid for nationally. Your child does not have to have a school meal. You may send your child to school with a packed lunch, or you may choose for your child to have a school meal some days and a packed lunch on others.

For children in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6, parents need to apply in the normal way for free school meals.


For children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 if you are eligible for free school meals and meet the previous criteria you should still complete a form!!

Why do I STILL need to fill in a form?

There have been changes to the ways in which schools are funded. We receive additional funding at the school which is targeted at the children who are entitled to a free school meal, whichever year group they are in. The more children registered for free school meals, the more money we receive to spend on them.

So, we still need all parents in all year groups to register children for free school meals if you meet the criteria.

If you think you are eligible or are even just unsure whether you may be, please enquire at the school office as a matter of urgency.

Your child does not have to have a free school meal every day, but if you are entitled to one, then the school will receive extra money. If you are not registered, we will miss out on the money.

Please mention this to friends and family so we can ensure the school and your children receive the money we are entitled to.

Children who have packed lunches sit with those having school meals. Assistants supervise children at lunchtime. There is also a senior member of staff on duty over the lunch period. Packed lunch boxes need to be named. We encourage children to eat a varied and balanced lunch. Fizzy drinks and drinks like Coca-Cola are not allowed for packed lunches. Please do not send sweets in packed lunches.

We are a nut-free school - we have children who have allergies to a variety of different nuts as well as peanuts - and ask that parents check the ingredients of items in packed lunches, avoiding anything that states it contains nuts. Any items found containing nuts will be held safely in the school office until the end of the day, when they can be collected by an adult.