Zones of Regulation
At Chesterton, we use Zones of Regulation to teach pupils how to identify, understand and manage their emotions. There are four zones: blue, green, yellow, and red. Zones of Regulation is a range of activities to help your child develop skills in the area of self-regulation. Self-regulation can go by many names, such as self-control, self-management and impulse control. It is defined as the best state of alertness of both the body and emotions for the specific situation.
Staff at Chesterton model the four zones within every day teaching. We teach children that we move throughout the zones within a day and that this is OK.
What are the Zones of Regulation?
There are four zones:
- Red – high levels of emotions/energy and loss of control (both positive and negative feelings)
- Yellow – rising levels of emotions/energy
- Blue – low levels of energy
- Green – ready to learn
Zones of Regulation believe that there are NO bad zones. We all move through the different zones throughout the day. We teach children to recognise when they are in each zone and build our own toolkits to manage our emotions.
Please visit the Zones of Regulation website for more information.