Our Curriculum

We are committed to providing a full curriculum experience for every child so that each can learn more and remember more. We will help them succeed by broadening their experiences and enable them to reach their potential in every area of school life – academic, social, personal, physical, spiritual and creatively, through a rich curriculum offer. We believe our children should gain an interest in a range of subjects and develop their general knowledge.

We place enormous value in each child and our desire to ensure standards, in all areas, remain as high as possible within a caring, respectful and happy environment. Nurturing children's wellbeing and emotional health is the foundation of our curriculum as it is essential in ensuring any success. At Chesterton Primary School, this is supported and facilitated by highly skilled adults who provide stimulating, exciting and safe learning environments and who nurture, care and educate.

The staff, governors and Active Learning Trust work together to make sure that by the time pupils leave us:

  1. They will acquire expertise across the subject disciplines enabling them to develop their creativity, linguistic, investigative and philosophical knowledge and skills.
  2. They know what it feels like to be good at something and will have achieved their best.
  3. They will love learning new things and want to keep on learning more.
  4. They will understand just how incredible they are, develop self-belief and confidence in their abilities.
  5. They will have grown healthy and strong and understand how to look after their body including their mind.
  6. They will have known friendship and how to get along with other people, including how to resolve conflicts.
  7. They will feel part of their local community and be proud of Chesterton Primary.
  8. They will know how to keep safe, take calculated risks and know where to get support and help when needed.

 Our school's curriculum complies with our duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 to ensure our curriculum is accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs. For further information, please see the SEND page on our website.