Pupil Leadership Opportunities

We believe it is important to develop leadership skills alongside teaching our children to become good citizens within our school community, as well as the wider community.

When we think about leaders and their qualities, it is clear to see that these are the core values we want to develop in our pupils. There are many ways that leadership is grown and developed in our pupils.

There are a range of Leadership Opportunities available for children to participate in. These include:

  • School Council
  • No Outsiders
  • Reading Champions
  • Lunch Time Leaders
  • Playground and Sports buddies
  • Music Champions
  • Computer Leads

Some of these roles are elected by peers and some of these roles are through applying for the role.

For elected roles, children are asked to produce a speech and poster. This is presented to the class and the class have a secret ballot to elect their preferred candidate.

When children apply for a role, they are required to complete an application either by completing a form or by writing a letter of application. They are then interviewed and selected upon merit.

School Council

At Chesterton Primary School, we have 14 school representatives across the school (2 per year group). Miss Storey meets with the school council at least once a half term.

What do our school council do?

The school council work together make improvements to the school. We look around for things that could be better and consult our classes with what we do. Everyone gets a chance to speak and when we've finished we vote on the best ideas and then start working on changing things.

Who are the School Councillors?

Every year we vote for two new representatives for each class. A good representative will speak at the council meetings about things that their class is interested in. They will also tell their class about what is going on in the council meetings and add to the meetings in our school council book.

This year, we have:

  • changed the school values and consulted all children and staff on their views;
  • conducted a pupil voice survey to find out pupil views on behaviour and safety at Chesterton and discussed the next actions;
  • shared our views on play/lunch time games and lining up procedures.

We are currently working on:

  • identifying the #activelearners role in the school;
  • deciding on subject ambassadors;
  • improving break/lunch times.