Welcome to Chesterton Primary School Governors' Pages

As Chesterton Primary school is an academy which is part of the Active Learning Trust, legal responsibility for the schools lies with the Active Learning Trust. It is governed by the Trust Board Directors, who rely on advice and support from the Local Governing Board (LGB). The Directors are the charity trustees and responsible for the general control and management of the administration of the Company in accordance with the provisions set out in the Articles of Association of the Company. Further information regarding this can be found on the the ALT website.

The Local Governing Board

Our school Governors are committed to achieving our shared vision for the school. The members of our Local Governing Body (LGB) meet formally each half term. In addition to that, Governors visit the school as part of their ‘link’ roles, in areas such as Quality of Education, Safeguarding, Health and Safety, Pupil Premium, Special Educational Needs, and Behaviour and Attendance. Our Governors are tasked with both supporting and challenging the school and its leadership team with the goal of continued school improvement.

Each member of the LGB is asked to declare any pecuniary interests and are asked to withdraw from any section of a meeting where there may be a conflict of interests.

The Interim Chair for the Local Governing Body is Simon Bainbridge. To contact the Interim Chair, please send communications c/o Chesterton Primary School, to the office email address admin@chestertonprimary.org.

Details of our LGB are included in the Governor section of the website, together with published minutes from recent meetings.

Parent governors are elected by the parents (unless the number of applicants is equal to or fewer than the number of vacancies).

Trust governors are recommended by the school and appointed by the Chief Executive of the Active Learning Trust.

The Local Governing Board meets six times each year — once per half term.