History at Chesterton Primary School
At Chesterton, we want our children to become historical enquires. The skills and knowledge that are developed in EYFS are built on as they progress through the school. The children will study local Cambridge history, national and global history to understand current global issues and reflect on the past. They will compare the lives of significant events and people. Our children will have a hands-on, active and creative experience through looking at different historical sources, replica artefacts that they can handle and through enriching trips. We are very fortunate to be based in Cambridge, where we will make links with high quality museums. The children's understanding will be enhanced through making links with other subjects such as Geography and Literacy. The skills and curiosity that they develop will continue to help them after they leave Chesterton; they will understand better their place in the world and will have empathy for others of different cultures and a firmer understanding of modern British values.
Our History Branches
- Historical Enquirers
- Chronology and Concept of Time
- Local, National and International History
- Range of Historical Sources
- Comparison and contrast, making links across historical periods
We follow the Primary National Curriculum for History.
History Long Term Plan
Examples of Medium Term Plans
History Year 2 MTP
History Year 4 MTP
History Year 5 MTP
History Concepts